The moment I imagined BeaconSafe
The first question everyone asks is why I started the BeaconSafe Project.
One day I was doing my normal drive from Spruce Grove to Edmonton and I sped by a stopped car with it’s flashers at my normal highway speed.
Did I intend to speed past them and put them and myself at risk? Definitely not!!!
Why did it happen? With the traffic in my lane ahead of me travelling at highways speed, I had no way to know the vehicle was there in time to slow down and move over safely. Attempting to adjust my speed and lane by the time I saw them would have created a far greater risk to everyone.
At that moment I had the thought that it would be so much safer for everyone if there was a way for the driver of that stopped car to let me and everyone else know they were there while we could still respond safely.
The idea of the Beacons being smart connected devices that interacted with municipal systems was a natural extension.
When I did some research and realized that no one had created simple, reliable warning system for roadways, I began coming up with a plan and BeaconSafe was conceived.